Coolest website ever! Dorkass. Learn more about this site and it's features. Be nice... or not. Maybe I'll respond.
Stuff Most People Don't Share
Random thoughts... similar to a journal.
Places I've been.
My wonderful ego driven camera phone pictures.
Variety of pictures I've taken.
Video of... you guessed it... ME.
Basically... my favorite things.
Other sites I belong to.
Important dates.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Damn I Love

Aside from family and friends… I really really love the following…

  1. A Great night sleep
  2. Morning Love :)
  3. Smell of BBQ
  4. Tahoe mornings (the backdrop and clean crisp air)
  5. Early stages of a relationship (the kind that gives you butterflies)
  6. Sunsets (i'm so gay sometimes)
  7. A good buzz (not drunk, but almost)
  8. Fresh shave, haircut, tan, groom and shower.
  9. Cooking (especially for someone I care about)
  10. Boneless buffalo wings (chili’s)

More Amore...

  • Candlelit baths
  • Manchengo cheese
  • Sparkling water
  • Rainy days (by the fire, watching movies, drinking wine)
  • Sushi
  • Spinach Artichoke Dip from CPK
  • Smell of gas
  • Vintage posters

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bad Habbits

I've struggled to make this list for the past two months. I'm almost embarrassed to say... I have none. What can i say... zero redeeming defects.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Hate

I realize "hate" is a strong word, but I thinks it's safe to say... I hate the following.

  1. Waiting
  2. Condescending fucks
  3. Getting towed
  4. Bananas
  5. Being hungry
  6. Not being able to fall asleep
  7. When Someone eats the food I’ve been saving (and looking forward to eating) from the fridge
  8. Waking up too early and not being to fall back asleep
  9. Political correctness
  10. Losing

More things I hate...

  • When fast food joints screw up on your order, but you don’t discover until you’re home
  • Traffic
  • Manipulators/Deceivers
  • Taking orders from someone I don’t respect
  • Ignorant AND outspoken jerkoffs
  • Having to rely on someone else
  • Pointless meetings
  • Pink Floyd
  • Being broke
  • Parking/Traffic tickets
  • Flakes
  • Tough guys
  • When “your” song gets played out on the radio

Monday, September 04, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

Things I'm not particularly proud of, but I thoroughly enjoy nonetheless.

  1. Chick Flicks.
  2. Tanning.
  3. Myspace.
  4. Circus Cookies. (you know... the kind with sprinkles)
  5. Candlelit Baths. (does that make me gay?)
  6. Rap Videos.
  7. the OC.
  8. Happy Meals. (just enough to satisfy the craving)
  9. US Weekly (i'll never buy it though. swear)
  10. Starring at my reflection. (What?! i'm just making sure my hair is not messed up)

Mas Pleasures... Guilty Ones:

  • Orange and Grape Soda.
  • Video Games. (Madden and driving games)
  • My manly scents. (yeah... gross, i know.)
  • Shmirnoff Ice.
  • Taking pics of food. (cause i'm weird like that)
  • Vanilla Ice... and Milli Vanilli.